Saturday, August 27, 2011

I cheat the system and I am proud!

Let me start off by saying that I do not look down on people who ACTUALLY need financial assistance.

         So I work at a grocery store so I see a lot of people who use access cards. I know that some people are doing the right thing, working a steady job, pay their bills, take care of their children, don't have an addiction [drugs, alcohol, etc.] and they end up not having enough money to feed their family. These are the people who NEED financial aid. However, what really "grinds my gears" are people who come in, don't control their kids, have a designer purse and clothing, drive nice vehicles, and they get assistance. Oh, I see you have enough money to buy yourself a $100-$600 purse, maybe that could have been your grocery money for the month instead of people like me who barely get by paycheck to paycheck paying for them to get free money.
         After these people finally round up their children and get the check-out line they unload their cart and what do I see while I am scanning their food, donuts, chips, ice cream, candy, pies, and the likes. Oh, so we are giving you assistance for you to waste half of your food stamps on junk food. I would love to get free money every month to feed myself. It makes me sick. People out there are really struggling and here are these bimbo's buying $50-$75 in junk food. How is that right?
         What makes me even more mad are the people who have multiple food stamp cards.

Me: "Your total is $210.23."
SC: "I'll be paying with stamps. I have $100 on this card and I have the rest on this one."

         SC stands for System Cheater, by the way. Then their receipt prints out and you notice that the remaining balance on the card is like $300 or so. Who needs that much money a month? Do these people have no job at all, no income? And why should I pay someone to sit around their house?  And to add to that the people who use their access cards to buy alcohol and cigarettes. Let me pay you so you can pay for your addiction. I smoke cigarettes, I do, but I will never expect anyone to pay for my habit. It's my habit, and I should pay for it, not the rest of my county or state.
         I just can't believe how many people are getting away with this. I seriously cannot believe it. You would think they would do a better job determining if people really need help or not. How can people live with themselves that do this. Do they woke up the day their food stamps come and think "what a wonderful day, I get free money, I am so proud to know that I cheat the system and rob my neighbors and friends." If I could I would seriously spit on each and every single one of these people. If you are someone who does cheat the system and you are reading this, man up, grow a pair, and take care of yourself. WE ARE ALL TIRED OF PEOPLE LIKE YOU!!!!!!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

I whip my hair back and forth?

Alright so I have become used to the new "music" that has been coming out over the past couple of years, but sometimes some of these "songs" are completely and utterly ridiculous. Seriously, I do not have any idea how some of these "musical artists" have any fan base. And for that matter how they had their songs even released to the public.
So I am eating at Applebee's the other day with my boyfriend when I hear this song start and I hear it repeat too many times, "I whip my hair back and forth." My reaction to this was, I looked up from my three cheese chicken penne into my boyfriends eyes with, I would call it shock. I then started to laugh out loud, not only because I found the song ridiculous, but that this song was popular and well-liked. How stupid are people? Seriously, what idiot enjoys that?

This should be the only thought that processes through anyone's head when they think of someone whipping their hair back and forth.

It makes me sad that some people make so much money on something as pointless, idiotic, and worthless as making a song like that. Seriously, what the fuck?
